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April 21, 2022
In this workshop, Harvard Business Press author Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg will join us to share the method from his newbook ‘What’s Your Problem?’. The book focuses on the challenge of solving the right problems, a.k.a. problem framing. Itcomes recommended by Google’s...
April 19, 2022
Positioning is the critical first step to any company interested in improving its marketing and sales efforts in orderto grow and compete more effectively against increasingly sophisticated competitors. This workshop focuses on the five key things every company should know...
April 14, 2022
Marketers today have more ways to connect to potential customers than at any other time in human history. Leveraging these channels presents nearly limitless opportunities, but piecing them all together can be a daunting puzzle on its own — can...
April 13, 2022
In an unpredictable world it makes sense to think the unthinkable. In this dragons’ den style session you will learn howto create your company’s worst nightmare to prepare for exactly this type of scenario. As a preparatory step, you canread...
April 5, 2022
How often have you sat in marketing meetings where a great new product idea is shared, only to see this idea deflatesoon after because there is no clear strategy or roadmap on how to bring the product to market? In...
March 31, 2022
Join us for this future skills discussion as we speak with Hiek Van der Scheer, Chief Data and Analytics Officer at Aegon, about his career path, skills acquisition, and digital transformation in regulated industries.
March 31, 2022
Long gone are the days when businesses made decisions based on instincts or uninformed beliefs. Advanced data analyticshas become a key aspect of any company’s activity. We talk about what power does the data hold, what are the data-drivendecisions and...
March 24, 2022
In this workshop, you will gain an overview of design thinking as a mindset & methodology. You will also learn ‘TheScenario Planning’ process and how it can be used to prototype possible futures to enable more effective strategydevelopment
March 22, 2022
In this workshop, you will gain valuable insights on negotiation and learn the special attributes while conducting one. As a preparatory step, think of 2 of your recent negotiations and what were the challenges you faced.
March 16, 2022
Sales professionals and sales teams can be incredibly powerful assets for a company if leveraged correctly. However,far too often, the strengths of team members aren’t highlighted or bolstered to their full potential. Fixing these flawspresents great opportunities, but the right...
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