
In this workshop, you will learn how the customer journey has evolved and the difference between online and traditional customer journey. Lydia will use case studies to demonstrate examples. Prior to the session, it’ll be helpful to check out this...
In this workshop, you will get insights on understanding your customer, creating strong value propositions, how to retain customers with powerful digital marketing strategies, and more.
In this workshop, you will get insights on understanding your customer, creating strong value propositions, how to retain customers with powerful digital marketing strategies, and more.
Kodak, Blockbuster & Nokia all have one thing in common – big and highly successful businesses of their times – Until they stopped embracing innovation. This is true for any industry or business in the world – if you don’t...
In ‘Step into the Metaverse: How the Immersive Internet Will Unlock a Trillion-Dollar Social Economy’, author Dr. Mark van Rijmenam writes about how the world as we know it will fundamentally change as the physical and the digital worlds merge...
This workshop, based on the book ‘Outlast- How ESG Can Benefit Your Business’ by Dr. Mukund Rajan and Dr. Colonel Rajeev Kumar, will introduce you to the basics of ESG. This session will provide an orientation for corporate leaders and...
Careers are changing, and the capabilities required to stay relevant are changing even more rapidly. We seem to have endless choices, at least at the beginning of a career, but these start narrowing after middle management. How does one think...
During this On-Demand fireside chat with industry leaders (Terry Rice, Business Development Consultant and Staff Writer at Entrepreneur magazine, and Will Scott), you will explore the digital marketing industry landscape and examine strategic frameworks for employing modern marketing practices.
Curious how the data science career landscape is evolving? Wondering how to navigate your career and break into a data science profession? Join this On-Demand webinar for an intimate conversation with with Tony DiLoreto (Senior AI Architect, Google), Poorna Kumar...
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