Data Science

January 27, 2022
During this dynamic fireside chat and Q&A discussion with industry leaders Brett Bjcek (Data Scientist, Spotify) and Virginia Steindorf (User Researcher, Spotify), you will explore the landscape of data science and learn key strategic frameworks for better understanding and solving...
December 16, 2021
In this workshop, you will learn time-tested frameworks to deliver and measure business value from data along with real-world case studies. Ganes will also talk about the teams, roles, and organizational structure that’s crucial for scaling data science.
December 9, 2021
In this workshop, Thomas will tell us what the challenges in data science are. Additionally, he will also take us through where our data comes from, how is it used and the quality of it. He will also talk about...
October 27, 2021
In this workshop, you will learn how to make better decisions in VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) environments.  You will also get a clear understanding of the difference between complicated and complex environments. Roderic will deep-dive into the situations...
October 13, 2021
In this workshop, Dr. Tremaine (decision scientist, author and researcher) will introduce you to decision-agility and its application. You will learn how to improve the quality and speed of your decision-making by grounding your choices in a simple framework. You...
During this On-Demand fireside chat with industry leaders (Terry Rice, Business Development Consultant and Staff Writer at Entrepreneur magazine, and Will Scott), you will explore the digital marketing industry landscape and examine strategic frameworks for employing modern marketing practices.
Curious how the data science career landscape is evolving? Wondering how to navigate your career and break into a data science profession? Join this On-Demand webinar for an intimate conversation with with Tony DiLoreto (Senior AI Architect, Google), Poorna Kumar...
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